Fable 3 is much better than fable 2. Unlike Fable 2, I would highly recommend buying it.
Defence Grid is a tower defence game from the xbla. It is possibly my FAVORITE arcade td. You should check it out, if you click on my youtube I have a video of me getting rank 61 in the world on one of the levels
Fallout New Vegas is extremely similar to Fallout 3. It runs on the same engine, therefore having the same bugs. But if you enjoyed Fallout 3, you will love New Vegas. It is by far the best Fallout game released.
Some people already have the game, and if it is leaked, charges will be filed. Authorities have already been notified and arrests and lawsuits will be made against the guilty party.
The Black Ops beta has been closed. IMHO I believe it was because of the leak and all of the jtags flooding it. They are also pressing charges on anyone who has a leaked version of the game. A few were stolen from a printing company not too long ago.
Black Ops is going to be the biggest game of all time. It outnumbers Modern Warfare 2 at almost a 2-1 ratio.
Last night the Black Ops multiplayer internal beta was leaked to jtag owners, YouTube is being flooded by Black Ops footage.
Activision has been cracking down on footage of the internal beta testing. There have been many live streams shut down and youtube videos deleted because of leaked Black Ops footage and gameplay.
I recently got an Xbox 360 slim, and it is SO amazing.SOOOO much more quiet than the fat ones. Very good investment, if you are able to, you should switch.